The viral essential oil claims to help stimulate hair growth and promote health-- is it legit?
Okay, let's start with some brutal honestly. There's no magic potion that will take away brittle, damaged hair or make that bad haircut grow out by this weekend. However, rosemary oil has some really surprising benefits that can definitely contribute to better hair health and it's going viral for a good reason. Let's dive into the benefits and how it can improve your hair health...
The Benefits of Rosemary Oil
Long before dudes were slathering on the stuff to prevent male pattern baldness, folk medicine practitioners used rosemary oil for a wide range of medical ailments. They used rosemary oil to provide relief from headaches or migranes, insomnia, and even depression. Studies have shown the oil can also help with bacterial infections, making it a handy tool to keep in your medicine cabinet.
Early research shows that rosemary oil helps to promote circulation and blood flow. More blood flow can mean more hair growth and better scalp health, which is a promising link to why so many people find rosemary oil helpful as part of their haircare routines.
Studies have also found that in some cases, rosemary oil is as effective as Minoxidil (the active ingredient in Rogaine) after six months of use.
What Are the Downsides of Rosemary Oil?
Rosemary Oil can work for some people to stimulate hair growth, however the reason for your hair loss is a factor in how well it might work for you.
Types of Hair Loss
If your hair loss is genetic, rosemary oil may not be helpful for you. But if your hair loss is tied to damaged folicles from heat styling, you might be in luck.
Exercise Caution and Consult a Healthcare Professional
While rosemary oil is all-natural, that doesn't mean you can just slather on pure rosemary oil and get your ideal results. Pregnant people should avoid using rosemary oil and should discuss use with a doctor if they are actively nursing. Rosemary oil is not safe in all concentrations, so be sure to look for a product formulated for your intended use. You do not want rosemary oil in your eyes, nose, or mouth and it should be kept out of reach from children.
What's the Verdict?
Rosemary oil can work really well for certain people who are experiencing hair loss. And while it won't grow out your bob overnight, it can contribute to faster growth and a healthy scalp. Suggest your clients check with their doctors before adding it to their routine, but we like this natural alternative to many of the regrowth products on the market as a first-line-of-defense against hair loss in the early stages!